

Dr. Akhtar Zaman
Lecturer/Head of Department
Dr. Fazli Rahim
Assistant Professor





If you are interested in plant sciences and acquire hands-on learning and research opportunities the Department of Botany, University of Buner welcomes you. The Department of Botany was established in 2019. It is an ideal place for students with an interest in plant sciences to learn and acquire skills in Plants, Algal, and Fungal biology in order to function effectively in society

The Department is committed to providing a positive educational experience for each student, and an environment of personal growth and development. For prospective undergraduate students, we have a BS Botany program. Our BS curriculum is designed according to Higher Education Commission (HEC) guidelines.

A BS degree from the Department of Botany is focused on an excellent preparation for graduate programs in a variety of fields, which should enable them to pursue many rewarding career interests. Indeed there are many options including national and international opportunities in teaching, research, renewable energy, health, food and pharmaceutical industry, and bio-business in public and private sectors.

In near future, the Department of Botany with the support of the cooperative administration of the University of Buner is planning to establish a herbarium, botanical garden, well-equipped research labs. Further, the department is planning to launch MPhil/MS and Ph.D. programs in the future.


Our vision is to recognize the Department of Botany as a center of excellence nationally and internationally in plant sciences and strive for understanding the diversified facets of plant sciences motivating young talents and society to unravel the prime role of plants in development and sustainability and conservation of nature.


The Department of Botany is committed to fostering the independent learning and thinking capabilities of students, their employability skills that enrich their professions and communities. Our research mission for undergraduates and graduates is to produce researchers in all fields of plant sciences capable of providing solutions to industrial, health, agricultural, and environmental challenges.


  • To achieve academic excellence in basic and applied aspects of plant sciences
  • To impart basic and advanced education to students through teaching, learning, research, and evaluation
  • To motivate the students to undertake research in basic and applied thrust areas of plant sciences
  • To inculcate scientific awareness towards protecting the diversity and environmental management of plant resources for sustainable development

Scheme of Studies for BS Botany (4-Years) Program

Year Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1st 1


18 Crd.

Eng-301 Functional English 3(3+0)
PS-301 Pakistan Studies 2(2+0)
Stat-311 Introduction to Statistics 3(3+0)
Bot-301 Diversity of  Plants 4(3+1))
Zoo. 312 Invertebrate Zoology 3(2+1)
Chem-301 Inorganic Chemistry 3(2+1)


18 Crd.

Eng-322 English Communication Skills 3(3+0)
ISS-323 Islamic Studies 2(2+0)
Bot-302 Plant Nomenclature and Anatomy 4(3+1)
Chem-351 Organic Chemistry 3(2+1)
Zoo. 352 Chordate Zoology 3(2+1)
E. Sci. 352 Environmental Sciences 3(2+1)
2nd 3


17 Crd.

Eng-404 Technical Report Writing and Presentation Skills 3(3+0)
ICS-351 Computer Science and Database 3(2+1)
Bot-401 Cell Biology 4(3+1)
Bot-402 Wetland Ecology 3(2+1)
Bot-403 Paleobotany 4(3+1)


17 Crd.

Bot-451 Ecophysiology 3(2+1)
Bot-452 Biodiversity and Conservation 4(3+1)
Bot-453 Biostatistics 3(3+0)
Bot-454 Genetics and Evolution 4(3+1)
Bot-455 Plants and Society 3(2+1)
3rd 5


18 Crd.

Bot-501 Bacteriology and Virology 3(2+1)
Bot-502 Vascular Plants Diversity 3(2+1)
Bot-503 Phycology and Bryology 3(2+1)
Bot-504 Mycology and Plant Pathology 3(2+1)
Bot-505 Plant Systematics 3(2+1)
Bot-506 Reproductive Biology 3(2+1)


17 Crd.

Bot-551 Autecology 3(2+1)
Bot-552 Advance Genetics 4(3+1)
Bot-553 Plant Biochemistry 3(2+1)
Bot-554 Plant Physiology 3(2+1)
Bot-555 Molecular Biology 3(2+1)
Bot-556 Weekly seminar (1)
Bot-556 to 577 Research Seminar (1)
4th 7


18 Crd.


Bot-601 Synecology 3(2+1)
Bot-602 Plant Growth and Development 3(2+1)
Bot-603 Phytochemistry 3(2+1)
Bot-604 Aromatic and High Valued medicinal Plants 3(2+1)
Bot-605 Horticulture 3(2+1)
Bot-690 Research 3(2+1)


19 Crd.

Bot-651 Tissue Culture 3(2+1)
Bot-652 Environmental Biology 3(2+1)
Bot-653 Applied Botany 3(2+1)
Bot-654 Biogeography 4(3+1)
Bot-655 Limnology 3(3+)
Bot- 691-699 Optional Paper* 3(2+1)
  Total Crd. Hrs 135