The Senate

The Senate of the University of Peshawar consist of:

  • the Chancellor who shall be the Chairperson of the Senate;
  • the Pro-Chancellor;
  • the Vice-Chancellor;
  • one  member  of  the  Provincial  Assembly  of  the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to be nominated by the Speaker of the said Assembly;
  • a retired judge to be nominated by Chief Justice of Peshawar High Court”;
  • Secretary of the relevant Administrative Department of Government or his nominee not below the rank of an Additional Secretary;
  • the  Secretary  to  Government,  Higher  Education Department, or his nominee not below the rank of an Additional Secretary;
  • the Secretary to Government, Finance Department, or his nominee not below the rank of an Additional Secretary;
  • the    Secretary    to    Government,   Establishment Department, or his nominee not below the rank of an Additional Secretary
  • the Chairman, Higher Education Commission or his nominee not below the rank of Director General;
  • one eminent  or  distinguished  graduates  of  the University who are not its employees to be nominated by the Chancellor;
  • two persons from the academic community of the Province of   the   Khyber   Pakhtunkhwa   or   the country, other than an employee of the University, atthe   level   of   professor  or   Principal,  to   be appointed by the Chancellor;
  • four University Teachers, including one Professor, one  Associate  Professor,  one  Assistant  Professor and one Lecturer to be elected by teachers of their respective cadres from amongst themselves; and
  • four persons from society at large being persons of distinction  in the fields of    administration, management, education, academics, law, accountancy, medicine, fine arts, architecture, industry, agriculture, science, technology and engineering with a view to create diversity and balance across the various fields, to be nominated by the Chancellor.
  • one University Administrative Officer to be elected from amongst all the Administrative Officers in the prescribed manner.
The Syndicate
The Academic Council
The Board of Faculties
The Board of Studies