Mr. Kusar Saeed
“When you lose your money, you lose nothing. When you lose your health, you lose something.When you lose your character, you lose everything.”
Therefore, never ever, lose your character and maintain discipline wherever you are. The student character lies in its acronym (Study Truthful Unity Discipline Energetic Noble Trustful). We expect that from you and hope you will never disappoint us during your education in the university.
Proctorial Board
The board is comprised of; a chief proctor, staff proctors, and student proctors
Staff Proctors
- Dr. Shahid Rahman, Lecturer Department of Computer Science
- Dr. Hassan Shah, Lecturer Department of Political Science
- Mr.Israr Alam, Lecturer Department of Zoology
- Mr.Rameez Kashmiri, Lecturer Department of Management Sciences
- Mr. Saqib, Lecturer Department of English
- Miss Usra, Coordinator Department of Psychology
- Mr. Ibrahim, Lecturer Department of Economics
- Mr.FazliRaziq, Lecturer Department of Computer Science
- Dr. Afzal Rahman, Lecturer Mathematics
- Dr. Haleem, Chemistry Department
- Miss. Shazia, Urdu Departement
- Dr. Qaid Zaman, Physics Department
Introduction and Objective of Proctorial Board
The main objective of proctorial board is to maintain discipline.Maintenance of discipline is key to success for any institution, helpful to management in character building and personality development of students. It would lead to provide essential environment for imparting quality education, personal growth and development of health and mind.
Instructions for students:-
- Display university identity card prominently while entering university premises.
- Come to the university in a properly presentable, neat and clean dress
- Behave in a decent and disciplined manner on all social, academic and sports events in or outside the university
Avoid the following inside the university:-
- Smoking inside the university premises.
- Inciting violence, use of force or destruction/damage to university property.
- Misbehavior with management, teaching faculty, office and support staff.
- Any political, ethnic, sectarian or immoral activity (including strikes, protests, demonstrations, speeches, slogans and distribution of printed material) inside university premises.
- Any activity within or outside the premises, which may bring bad repute of the university or its management/ faculty
- Carrying any kind of weapons or drugs within the university premises.
- Use of Mobile Phones, cameras (still or video), Audio / video Gadgets in functions in the university premises (unless and until authorized)