The University offers a well managed and secure hostel to the students adjacent to the University premises. However, the boarding facilities are offered only to the outstation students.University has one male & one female hostels conveniently located from the teaching departments. The residence in hostel is not a right and is offered to students admitted in the morning shift strictly on merit. Due to limited number of available seats which are even not sufficient for morning shift, the student admitted to 2nd shift are not offered accommodation on the basis of lower merit.

Newly admitted students desirous of admission in a University hostel can collect form for hostel admission from the office of the warden on the day of admission, provided (s)he is admitted to the morning shift, keeping in view that students admitted in 2nd shift are not eligible for hostel accommodation under any circumstances. The residence in hostel is not a right and is offered to deserving students admitted in the morning shift strictly on merit.


These Regulations may be called “Hostel Admission and Residence Regulations ”. They shall come into force with immediate effect.


1. ‘Authority’ means an Authority of the University of Buner.

2. ‘Boarder’ means a regular and full-time student of the University of Buner allowed under these regulations to reside in a hostel.

3. Academic year means academic session beginning after Admission and ending with the Examination each year or as notified by the University excluding summer vacations.

4. ‘Department means a Department under the administrative control of the University of Buner.

5. ‘Employees of the Hostel’ means ministerial and supportive staff of the hostel.

6. ‘Hostel Regulations’ mean regulations as enumerated hereinafter.

7. ‘Hostel Administration’ means the Senior Warden, the Resident Warden and the Assistant Warden of the hostel.

8. ‘Hostel’ means any Hostel established and administered by the University of Buner.

9. ‘Monitors’ mean a team of senior and impartial students appointed by the Wardens.

10. ‘Senior Warden, Resident Warden /Assistant Warden means Sr. Warden, Resident Warden /Assistant Warden of the University.

11. ‘Student’ means a student enrolled as a full-time student in a constituent institution of the University for a Degree Programme.



Since accommodation in hostels is limited, the University Authorities may not be able to provide accommodation to all applicants. Students residing within a radius of 20 kilometers of Buner District will not be entitled for admission.

i. The grant of admission to a program of study in the University of Buner would not ensure allotment of Hostel Accommodation

ii. The Accommodation will be offered to the eligible applicants subject to availability.

 iii. Students seeking admission to a hostel should apply through the Head of Institution on the prescribed form (along with four passport size photographs duly signed by the Head of Institution), which can be obtained from the Office of the Warden University of Buner.

iv. Only those students who are on the regular rolls of the University of Buner and are enrolled for a degree programme as a full-time student may be allowed admission in the hostels.

v. Admission in the hostel will be strictly on merit basis.

vi. Seats in the hostels are allotted to each institution in proportion to the number of students on the rolls of that institution.

vii. Priority will be given to those newly admitted students, in a degree program, who have not previously availed the Hostel facility at the same degree level.

viii. Out station students who are not residents of Buner will be given first priority.

ix. Local students, whose parents are transferred outside Buner, are also eligible subject to their furnishing satisfactory documentary evidence to this effect from the employer.

 x. Those students, whose hostel admission has been cancelled because of misbehavior/misconduct, violation of hostel rules, involvement in undesirable activities, and misrepresentation, shall not be eligible for hostel admission.

xi. After admission to a hostel the students shall come under the direct supervision of the Hostel Administration for the purposes of residence and its discipline.

xii. The Hostel Administration has the right to refuse admission to a student whose past conduct in the hostel was not satisfactory.

xiii. A student who fails to occupy the allotted accommodation within seven days of the allotment or a student after occupying the hostel seat deliberately leaves or vacates it without the knowledge of the Warden, shall forfeit his / her seat.

 xiv. All residents shall produce a clearance certificate from the Warden, before appearing in the examination failing which they will not be issued their examination roll numbers.

 Hostel Warden

Dr. Muhammad Arshad Khattak