Media and Protocol officer must know how to make everyone feel welcome and respected. They take time to ask about the likes, dislikes, preferences, and customs of each person who may attend a milestone event. The Media and Protocol officer does his best to accommodate everyone within reason. And also responsible to represent the organization to the media and respond to inquiries from journalists, write press releases, try to interest journalists in their organization’s stories and campaigns, arranging for spokesmen to speak to the press, and monitoring media coverage. He makes every effort to minimize or eliminate any opportunity for embarrassment or offense.
The media and Protocol office is the art of combining good manners and common sense to make effective communication possible. Arranges for the university graduation ceremony, inauguration, etc. He shall be responsible for gathering news and feature information within the University, planning, drafting, and writing press releases, feature articles, fact sheets, background material, and other copy material for use in internal and external communications both in Pakistan and abroad. Think of protocol as good manners on steroids, with gentle but insistent enforcement in the background. Without protocol officers, manners would go out the window and rudeness become a virtue.
Protocol officers establish and enforce consistency using logic. Following the same rules for every situation while showing deference when and where it is due helps prevent minor disagreements from becoming unrecoverable conflicts.
Media and Protocol Officer Duties
- Research traditions and customs.
- Model polite behavior.
- Plan foreign and domestic visits, ceremonies, and special events.
- Identify security risks and create safety plans.
- Draft and send invitations.
- Create suitable seating arrangements.
- Arrange photo opportunities and press conferences.
- Develop itineraries and agendas.
- Schedule and reserve transportation.
- Arrange lodging and meeting accommodations.
- Prevent etiquette breaches or embarrassing cultural blunders.
- Develop strategy goals, objectives, and programs for the team.
- Research and maintain reliable sources of political, economic, and social trends of global cultures.
- Employees and Students Identity card issuing
- Keep a list of key business leaders and government officials.
- Arrange meetings to exchange policies and programs.
- Maintain, prioritize and file confidential records.
- Dealing Media Personnel